If you don't know who you're marketing your brand to, you're missing your mark. Developing a clear, concise list of who your target demographic is what's going to help you make those tough decisions about what marketing avenues you're going to choose. List everything from their gender, income and location to their age range and interests. And make sure you choose the right paths to market to that demographic. If you don't, you won't achieve the best ROI.
This is crucial for start-up companies. If you don't have a set marketing budget for the year, you're throwing money to the wind. Knowing what you can and can't afford is what is going to help you determine what marketing avenues to take, which to avoid and which to set aside for later (when you have a more substantial budget). It will also be a great indicator of just how mainstream or how creative you're going to have to get with your marketing. If you have a substantial marketing budget, you'll have more mainstream options to choose from (ie) print advertising, online directories, etc. If you have a less-than-desirable budget, you'll have to actively look for no-cost opportunities, network your butt off, be extremely mindful of where you do put your dollars and be strategic in your plans. And you will need a budget. (Remember that business cards, web sites, etc are all forms of marketing!)
Developing a marketing plan isn't just about listing the marketing tactics and mediums that will cost money. It's about listing marketing tactics and mediums that won't cost money as well. And there are no-cost options. It's merely a matter of being creative, strategic, open to opportunities big and small and a ton of research. Focusing all your time and energy on only the mediums that have a price tag won't necessarily get you ROI. At the same time, you must spend some money to effectively market yourself, so don't expect to be able to solely grassroots market your brand in a highly competitive industry like our beloved wedding industry with absolutely no funds at all.
Companies across the globe are now incorporating a Social Media Marketing Sector into their Marketing Departments and for good reason. In this day and age, social media and mobile marketing is as important in marketing your brand as the more traditional methods. It's not just about print, online, direct mail and email advertising anymore. It's about real-time marketing as well. Be sure to add this category in your marketing plans.
So you did a marketing plan exactly one year ago today. Bravo. Now it's time to review it and decide what worked for you and what didn't. If you've spent a lot of money on a particular medium that didn't bring you at least one to three inquiries then it's time to change course. Marketing is expensive and if you're not getting the ROI that you expected you need to change your strategy and focus your dollars on another medium or strategy. In some cases you may have to simply tweak your marketing plan (ie) make your ad bigger, combine your ad with an online presence, increase your social media marketing or purchase more of the good stuff that got you leads. In other cases you may have to redo your plan altogether. Reviewing your marketing plan and adjusting it every year is what is going to continue the success that you achieved in the past year or save you from making the same mistakes twice.
I've said it time and time again. If you don't have a marketing plan you're essentially throwing money away. Draft a clear, strong marketing plan and keep on top of it. It's not a waste of your time and it will take time. After all, Rome wasn't built in a day and a good, strong marketing plan won't be either.