October 31, 2010


Let's face it folks, as wedding professionals we're always looking for the next "big thing" to launch us into wedding industry success. We look for that magical solution that will instantly make us visible to the hundreds of thousands of Brides and Grooms out there. We read countless blogs, magazines and twitter tips to find that equation that "works".

Yes, there are tried and true techniques in marketing and yes, every year a new way of marketing your business seems to come out of the woodwork whether it's that new Social Media platform, a new trade show concept or a new advertising option. However, there is no magical solution that will draw your target market. There is no simple equation that you can plug into your computer and voila! You have successfully marketed your business to the masses. If you have to remember any equation at all, remember this one:


In the wedding industry there is one word that you hear over and over (and over...and over...and over...) and that is "PERSONALIZED".  Everyone under the sun offers some form of personalized service from florists and wedding planners to DJs and caterers. We all know that the wedding business is an emotional one and we all know that no two couples are alike. That said, just like you strive to personalize your clients' wedding, you have to personalize your marketing tactics. The most important thing you can do is KNOW YOUR TARGET MARKET and create a marketing campaign that will speak to them. We've all heard this countless times but for some reason or another so many professionals are quick to follow the latest marketing trend and forget that what may work for one wedding professional may not work for you if you don't have the same target market!

The next piece of the puzzle is Strategy. So often I'm asked by wedding professionals as to what marketing tool they can use to magically grow their business. And often my answer is the same: whatever marketing method you choose, make sure you're doing it right. Meaning, make sure you are being strategic and creative. And most importantly, you are not simply keeping up with the Joneses but are choosing and working your marketing tactics to your best advantage.

If you're putting together a marketing plan, the most important concept to remember is to personalize your tactics to your target clientele and be crafty in how you do it.